Employment Law

Embark on a comprehensive journey through the multifaceted domain of Employment Law with the strategic insight of a mediator. These articles encompass a broad spectrum of workplace regulations and rights, tackling diverse topics from discrimination and workplace safety to employee benefits and contract negotiations. I navigate the subtleties of complex legal frameworks and offer mediation-driven pathways to conflict resolution. Stay abreast of the ever-evolving field of Employment Law with thorough analysis and forward-thinking solutions.

Open Questions Remain After California Supreme Court Decision in Adolph v. Uber Technologies, Inc.

The California Supreme Court just delivered its highly anticipated ruling in Adolph v. Uber Technologies, Inc., affirming that “representative” PAGA claims cannot be compelled to arbitration. While the Court provided clarity on certain issues like the one just stated, open questions still remain. These unresolved matters leave room for further exploration and potential litigation. Below, is a short summary […]

The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act

On June 27, 2023, the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) will come into effect, following President Biden’s signing of the law on December 29, 2022.  The PWFA is a new legislation aimed at providing reasonable accommodations for workers and applicants facing pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions, so long as these accommodations do not pose

Artificial Intelligence in the Employment Sector

Navigating the California Civil Rights Council’s Draft Regulations on AI           As technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, it is critical that our legal and regulatory systems keep pace. Recently, the California Civil Rights Council (CRC) (formerly the Fair Employment and Housing Council) has made significant strides in this

Resolving Non-Compete Clause Disputes

Non-compete clauses are a common feature of many employment contracts, especially in highly competitive industries where companies seek to protect their intellectual property, trade secrets, and customer relationships. These clauses typically prohibit departing employees from working for a competitor or starting a competing business for a certain period of time, usually between six months to

Equal Pay Act Claims After Allen v. Staples, Inc.

For those of you who have not been following developments in Equal Pay Act cases as closely as I have, the ruling late last year in the Allen v. Staples, Inc. case changes the way a lot of these cases are being litigated as the court allowed the Plaintiff in Allen to defeat summary judgment by showing that

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