Wage and Hour

Navigate the intricacies of Wage and Hour Law through the balanced lens of a mediator. These articles shed light on the fundamental aspects of employment regulations, focusing on fair wage practices, accurate hour tracking, and lawful overtime compensation. Understand the delicate interplay between employer obligations and employee rights, as I dissect complex labor standards and offer mediation-driven solutions for disputes. My insights aim to foster workplace harmony by ensuring compliance, promoting transparency, and resolving conflicts with a fair, informed approach. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of Wage and Hour Law with relevant guidance and comprehensive analysis.


Mediation When a Defendant Claims Insolvency

As a wage and hour mediator, I have run across a number of cases where the defendant-employer’s approach to settlement discussions is largely reliant on the claim that there is no money to recover. This blog post explores the rationale and considerations behind these situations as well as some guidance from my experience as a […]

The Growth in Wage and Hour Class Actions

In recent years, California has witnessed a significant upsurge in wage and hour class action cases, marking a notable shift in its legal landscape. This trend, which reached record numbers in 2023, can be traced back to various factors, including pivotal rulings by the California Supreme Court, the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, and

US Supreme Court to Rule on Arbitration Stays in Wage-and-Hour Cases

Enforceable arbitration agreements have long served as a valuable tool for California employers grappling with wage and hour claims. Their significance has been further underscored by the recent addition of section 801.1 to the California Evidence Code, making it more challenging for employers to introduce expert witness testimony concerning emotional distress damages during trials. This

Navigating Remote Work Laws in Los Angeles

The surge in remote work, accelerated by the pandemic, has reshaped the work environment in Los Angeles and beyond, introducing a blend of convenience and complexity, especially in managing and compensating remote teams. As businesses adapt to this shift, ensuring compliance with wage and hour laws has become a critical challenge, necessitating a blend of

A Look at Los Angeles’ Minimum Wage Trends

The landscape of employment law in Los Angeles is a dynamic and constantly evolving field, with the city leading the charge in setting progressive standards for minimum wage. For legal professionals, particularly those involved in wage and hour disputes, staying abreast of these changes is critical. As we move through 2024, Los Angeles’ commitment to

Technology in Wage and Hour Mediation

Leveraging Technology in Wage and Hour Mediation

In an era where digital transformation is revolutionizing every sector, the domain of employment law, particularly wage & hour compliance, is no exception. The integration of technology in wage and hour mediation practices is not just a trend; it’s a strategic shift towards more accurate, efficient, and transparent operations. The same is also true in

Wage and hour mediation for pay equity disputes

Pay Equity Insights from a Wage and Hour Mediator

Pay equity is a hot topic in employment law these days. As plaintiff’s lawyers work with clients to seek enforcement of the myriad of rules and regulations that govern the area of law, defense attorneys are needed to help employers respond to lawsuits and often adapt their business practices to better comply with the changing

Wage and Hour Disputes: 5 Signs Mediation is Your Next Step

In the intricate realm of employment law, wage and hour class actions stand out for their complexity and the significant impact they can have on both businesses and employees. These disputes often involve nuanced interpretations of labor laws, with both sides vehemently defending their stance. In such a landscape, finding a path to resolution that

Decoding Wage & Hour Class Actions: Your Ultimate FAQ Guide

The realm of Wage & Hour Class Actions often presents a complex landscape filled with legal nuances that can significantly impact the workplace. Whether you’re an employer aiming to uphold the law and foster a fair working environment, or an employee seeking to protect your rights and ensure just compensation, knowledge is your strongest asset.

Proposed FLSA Overtime Rule Changes: What You Need to Know

The Department of Labor’s (DOL) recent proposal to amend the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime rules has sparked discussions across various sectors. This blog post provides a succinct overview of the current situation, the proposed changes, their potential impacts, and the actions you might need to consider. Understanding these changes is crucial in my

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