Wage and Hour

Navigate the intricacies of Wage and Hour Law through the balanced lens of a mediator. These articles shed light on the fundamental aspects of employment regulations, focusing on fair wage practices, accurate hour tracking, and lawful overtime compensation. Understand the delicate interplay between employer obligations and employee rights, as I dissect complex labor standards and offer mediation-driven solutions for disputes. My insights aim to foster workplace harmony by ensuring compliance, promoting transparency, and resolving conflicts with a fair, informed approach. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of Wage and Hour Law with relevant guidance and comprehensive analysis.


Open Questions Remain After California Supreme Court Decision in Adolph v. Uber Technologies, Inc.

The California Supreme Court just delivered its highly anticipated ruling in Adolph v. Uber Technologies, Inc., affirming that “representative” PAGA claims cannot be compelled to arbitration. While the Court provided clarity on certain issues like the one just stated, open questions still remain. These unresolved matters leave room for further exploration and potential litigation. Below, is a short summary […]

Equal Pay Act Claims After Allen v. Staples, Inc.

For those of you who have not been following developments in Equal Pay Act cases as closely as I have, the ruling late last year in the Allen v. Staples, Inc. case changes the way a lot of these cases are being litigated as the court allowed the Plaintiff in Allen to defeat summary judgment by showing that

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